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post-firing 01.29.02 - 11:00 pm

Well, I am drowning my sorrows and all but still.

Just dropping by real quick to say that it was all way easier than I was afraid it was gonna be. As is true of so many things in life. That's the problem with cojones: hard to sprout 'em until after they're needed, eh?

So, yeah. We're okay. The friend is still my friend. No longer my employee, but still my friend. And this is a good thing, no matter how much shit I've talked about her. I don't have that many, not in real life, anyway. Y'all would probably be surprised, the walls I have up in this big whole life thing. The 3d part of it, anyway.

And now, it's time for the Daily Show, and then it's time for me to try to sleep because once again I really DO have to go to Jersey really fucking early tomorrow.

Thanks for the guestbook loving, as usual, and fie on those who have ignored my happy guestbook in favor of lurking and leaving.

Particular shout-outs (hee! again) to MG, Bot, Shiv, Wings, Sarra, and TG.

Oh, and my stupid Zero key is gone, courtesy of the Kitty. This means that in order to close parentheses I have to poke the little under-key mechanism. Arg. Oh, the hardships. Yo, you starving people? Just TRY and cope with an ineffective laptop Zero Key.

More tomorrow, I'm sure.

love, onehanded

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