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laaaame 02.01.02 - 7:24 am

Not a proper update.

Inspired partly by my strange Tiny Marsupials, and also by the most recent googles, which have me giggling.

Even though I am highly irritated (yes, again, he's on a streak here) at the Boy. Due to his nightlong devotion to Quake, whilst I did things like MAKE him dinner and such. Grr.

The Marsupials have begun talking to one another through the bars of their respective cages. I let Girl out, she ran around on the floor and was a mighty rascal. I let Boy out, he ran *immediately* into the cage with Girl and began his lengthy sniffing ritual again.

Except not just sniffing. First, he keeps grabbing her ears. And hanging on. Poor little thing. Second, he is marking the shit out of her. He keeps rubbing his head (they have scent glands on the tops of their heads, but only the males) all over her chest, where her scent gland is. And licking, let's just say cloaca. And grabbing her in general. Lots of grabbing.

In short, my little marsupial is acting like a 14-year-old boy.

At least she sticks up for herself. Once she's had enough of the grabbing and sniffing and licking and so forth, she yells at him and shoves him in the head. She's rather smaller, being a baby and all. She's only about 5 or 6 months old, another 5 or 6 months to sexual maturity, so Boy Marsupial is gonna have to watch hisself.

Onto the googles:

My absolute favorite, one I could not possibly have hoped for: "albino+midget"

A little scary: "hate+men+testicles+hurt"

Also scary: "frozen+corpse+pictures"

Two on the same subject would be: "belly+fat+rolls" and "boys+with+too+much+belly+fat". Although the latter makes me wonder. Again, is it a searching-for sort of thing, or an avoidance sort of thing? Hard to say, really.

Semi-comprehensible: "my+mohawk" and "jeans+boys+models" in terms of a, why "my mohawk"? That's just odd, and b, why ME??

Last but not least, a google for "LWD&BC". Either we're getting popular, girls, or there's another LWD&BC out there...

See? Told you this wasn't a proper entry. Now I have to go growl at the Boy and head bedwards.


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