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baby girl 02.01.02 - 3:04 am

Thanks you all you folks who signed the freaking guestbook. It made both its and my night.

Er, yeah, that's probably pathetic. I ought to have Interesting Life Things to do on a Friday night. But I don't, so there it is.

The baby girl Tiny Marsupial is Here. We schlepped to Connecticut (and yes, I did quit being Snippy) and fetched her from a tiny person. She was. Tiny. Boy thought she was cute, I thought her hips were way too far down on her body. Tiny she was, though.

Apart from her screaming her little head off (tiny marsupial, not tiny person) whenever any significant movement or noise occured, up until she'd been (so we thought) hanging out in her new cage for a while everything was very uneventful.

Then I poked her pouch. It was empty. I was poking it because our Tiny Marsupial was awake (very early for him) and I wanted to see if she maybe wanted to come out and meet him.

Yah. Baby Girl was on the drapes in the bedroom, an entire whole room away from her cage, a route fraught with cats and a dog. Eek.

Baby Girl, it turns out, is enough smaller than Boy Marsupial to fit through the bars of his travel cage, her temporary location.

So now she is in HIS cage and he is in his travel cage. Man oh man. They have met. It has been both positive and negative. He is *very* interested in her. She is also interested in him, but rather skittish. He sniffed her an enormous amount. Far more than my dog sniffs another dog, for example. Many, many minutes of sniffing. Then they made a ruckus and she yelled at him quite emphatically, which was when Boy Marsupial was relocated to travel cage for the time being.

I expect them (and not unreasonably) to get along eventually. Tiny Marsupials are extremely social creatures, and both Baby Girl and Boy grew up with others. It typically takes some time for them to get used to one another. In the good news department, she seems to be taking just fine to me, and is not frightened of my hand or anything.

Not much else has happened. I haven't made even the beginnings of a dent in the work I have for this weekend, so I am expecting to be very much booked tomorrow.

I am trying to figure out whether migrainegirl (see link at beginning) needs her ass kicked or hugged. She has kicked my ass when I was attempting to hide under my rock. But thus far my attempts at both have resulted in nada. Not a word from my beloved MG. You should all go poke her and see what the hell is going on. Other than purchasing a new pair of Chucks, that is.

On the bus yesterday I was watching these two white girls who got on together, I'm thinking probably coworkers, maybe friends. One skinny with black hair and very oddly those extra-thick pantyhose that as far as I knew only the elderly and the Hasidic wear. Otherwise quite stylish. Nice black pants, sweater, fashionable haircut, very bubbly. Except the pantyhose. Strange. And her friend was extremely wide. Not so much obese as...wide. Her behind was very nearly the width of the aisle through the bus. Since she was walking down that aisle whilst the bus was in movement, this caused a significant amount of distress. She had a grocery bag full of Entenmann's. I was thinking maybe not the best idea, but, hell, whatever makes life good.

In front of me two beige women/girls. They were harder to figure. At first I thought the older one was the other's mother, but then they sat in front of me and she looked not nearly old enough. At any rate, the older one was definitely quite tipsy. And her bag of bottles of something were clinking all over the metal poles in the bus. But then she seemed very affectionate at Younger Girl, who was sort of rebuffing her...keeping her body away from her.

Not sure why I was writing about that. Not much else to say, for one, I suppose. I generally don't go in for the whole "observations of life in the big city" business. But while I was watching the first set of girls I was thinking about describing them here, for whatever reason, and so I have.

So that's that, I think, for tonight. I have to go watch more of my own private National Geographic that is taking place in my computer room with the Tiny Marsupials. Baby Girl has found her food. Katress -- no name yet. Ethel and Sylvia I think are the front-runners so far, but nothing is really sticking out at me quite yet. She's friendly. She bites my fingers, which Boy also does (marsupial, not human Boy), because in the wild that's how they get food -- out of trees, by biting them. But she seems to like me okay. And I'm used to getting bitten by now, it's nowhere near as bad as when they bite because they're mad or scared or both, which I have also experienced.


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