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snippy 01.31.02 - 11:03 am

Sorry for slacking. All this going to Jersey and back has really had me very pooped. And chatting with my girlfriends last night sucked all the typing out of me that I had.

I think I have probably gotten Incompetent Architect Man fired, or at least moved to a new position. I feel a little bit bad about that, although he really oughtn't have so totally SUCKED at his job. I am, apparently, Large Unnamed Client's new Bad Cop.

And all the people who we shouldn't have been supporting anymore in our company have been fired. I think this is a good thing. I seem to have managed to perform this highly unpleasant duty in a decent enough fashion to have all 3 (THREE! Eek!) "downsizees" (sic, like, really SIC) still like me and consider me a friend. Thank whatever for that, at least.

One of the unforeseen side effects of this has been our Production Guy getting *very* enthusiastic about Doing Things in the Company...maybe a little *too* enthusiastic, in fact. It's okay, though. He's just a kid, and he can easily be forgiven much, especially since he doesn't ever do any real harm.

Am irritated at the Boy tonight.

It's mild, but still present. He was sweet last night, and thus we both got laid. But tonight I got home from work at like 9.45, which meant that the deli I can take my dog into was closed, and so I called him and asked him to pick up beer and cigarettes and toilet paper (please tell me WHY it is I can never, ever, ever remember to buy toilet paper *before* I'm scrounging around for bits of newspaper and the like with which to wipe, or otherwise doing the absolutely zero-dignity waddle-with-the-jeans-around-ankles searching for paper towels??) and he said he had no cash.

I suggested nicely that he obtain some cash at one of the FOUR ATMs between the office entrance and the subway station. Or, alternatively, at one of the THREE ATMs between the subway exit and the bus stop we use.

He said he didn't think he would "feel like it".

That was when I got snippy.

Because I was walking the dog, and I'm never crazy about walking the dog alone at night, but that part was okay. Largely I did not want to go by myself to the Other Deli because either they don't let my dog in and I have to be really pathetic and do the cute-girl voice and ask the Guy to go and fetch all the things I need and hand him the cash, or I have to try to be super-fast and light-speedy in obtaining all my things whilst trying to keep my dog very close and absolutely not, for example, sniffing the doritos because they don't really like letting her in, which inevitably results in me moving so quickly I forget to buy things like, say, toilet fucking paper.

And now I am very certain that the toilet is going to get clogged because it doesn't like paper towels AND I certainly hope that Boy doesn't want any beer because I had to go get it and schlep it home WITH the dog in one hand and I will be forced to get even more snippy if he decides he wants some. Especially since *I* had the stupid forethought to obtain some actual cash money prior to getting into the subway and it wasn't A BIG DEAL.

grrr. Stupid men.

Tomorrow, however, I think I will probably have to stop being snippy because the Boy has agreed to drive me to the person who has our little baby girl Tiny Marsupial who is going to be Boy Tiny Marsupial's girlfriend if all goes well. It's difficult to be snippy at someone who's driving you around for hours to get a Tiny Marsupial.

And, hey, people, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! I mean really. My poor guestbook has been terribly lonely of late.

Not too much more to say tonight, I'm sorry (and very dull). I have mountains of documents to write over the next 2 days. That is not going to be very much fun. And other things to do as well. I would not be looking for much less than mundanity from onehanded for a bit...


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