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I am thumbing my nose at all y'all right now. 02.08.02 - 5:13 pm

I hate it when I don't get to update for too long.

I now feel totally left out and sad and pathetic. Not to mention exhausted. I've been running on under 4 hours of sleep since Sunday. In Jersey Tuesday and Thursday from like 11am to 11pm, and getting there by 11am means waking up at 7.30am. Meetings all day both days then stuff at night.

Not to mention having to actually get work done in the meantime.

And now (get ready for more being pathetic and sad and lonely and melodramatic) while I've been doing all of that Bot has decided to go to NC instead of coming to see me as planned and all kinds of scheming has apparently taken place and I haven't even had a moment to chat on AIM with anyone, let alone write a proper update. And Cerebrate is getting to meet Bot too. I've tried to keep up with everyone's diary and sign guestbooks and all but...

I don't even have anything to say, really. I've been up to my ears in work for a week and so that's all that's on my mind.

And it's very very boring. So I won't bore whatever readers I have left by blathering about it.

The Boy finally got me a present: Ghostworld. I managed to partially watch not even half while I was working one night. I'm hoping to maybe get a chance to watch the whole thing this weekend, but I'm not betting on it.

Baby Girl is doing well. Current name front-runner: Lucy. Ethel is out. Sylvia is still a contender.

Right. Nothing to say. Going to go mope now.

*** edited to note that I just looked at my guestbook and it would appear that some persons do indeed still love me...or are pretending to...(sulk sulk sulk, insert 4 year old here) ***

- onehanded

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