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lonely baby 02.08.02 - 11:48 pm

Everybody in your best basso please sing (say) along with me, a la Eeyore: no-body cares about meee...

Anyway. Although that last update was terrifically pathetic. I'm actually not feeling all that pathetic.

Honestly feeling a little bit, not so much, but some, triumphant about the past week and my mad skillz in the political department WHICH I have nobody to talk about to because not only does the Boy not care, he is also busy in Weehawken moving one of our clients' servers to another location (this is a Big Deal Pain in the Ass) and thus not here. No wonder I call my parents so much, they listen to me talk in detail about how I deal with Client Persons.

Not feeling overly triumphant, however, about the 6 overcooked 2 or 3 - day old eggs in a pot on the stove that I do not know what to do about. Need hard-boiled egg for Marsupial Home-Cooked Food. Typically hard-boil nearly all the eggs because otherwise they just sit and spoil and sometimes we will actually eat hard-boiled eggs. We nearly never cook and eat regular eggs. Except this time I was so damn tired that after making Marsupial Food I just left the remaining eggs on the stove and forgot about them (after overcooking, not during) and so now I have a pot of exploded elderly eggs I don't want to deal with.

I also had a little bit of campbell's chicken and rice left over in a second pot on the stove but happily whilst I was in the office today either cats or dog took care of that, or both, and now it's nearly clean so all I had to do was put some water in to make sure the rice doesn't get crusty. Meaning to clean it, not to eat it. I'm not that gross.

Also there is a major Stink in the refrigerator I am not so sure what from and not so interested in finding out. Hoping Boy gets grossed out by Stink and locates it before I quit managing to tolerate Stink.

I should have been a male bachelor person. At least then my degenerate housekeeping habits would be expected rather than tolerated.

So I won't bore you all with the details of my mad people skillz. Suffice to say I have managed to deal mightily with many and various aspects of a large and highly politicized organization in a fairly smooth and sometimes sneaky (by necessity, not design) manner.

Had drinks with my friend that I fired last week tonight. It was good to have somebody to talk to. Except to talk shit about her some more. She's that kind of person that you can see is basically waiting for you to finish what you're saying so that she can say what she wants to which rarely has anything to do with what you just said, which creates this sort of odd tag-team kind of conversation. That said, however, she is somebody to talk to. Which I have been sorely lacking in of late.

Really, really lacking in.

After not having updated in so long because I have been honestly literally up to my eyeballs in unavoidable work I feel a bit like I have been relegated and mostly because of my own fault to the Corner for a time out. This I suppose is mostly my own neurosis. But still. I feel Distanced. And not happily so.

It does not help that the only people I think I have had a conversation with in the past week, meaning a full conversation of more than a few sentences, all work for Client. By the time I have gotten home and then after both Boy and I have finished work for the night, usually around 2 or 3am this week, I just don't have it left in me to say much.

Also now I am wondering if I am perhaps pregnant. Though I wonder this reasonably frequently. Except I was on the train and feeling rather ill, and it occurred to me that I had been feeling rather ill in the evenings rather more than usual, and I poked my bosom and it was a bit tender and quite larger than usual so I don't know. Probably not. I have not had exactly a lot of sex of late, and it has been largely fairly protected. It's not time yet for this to happen so I hope not yet. But probably not, anyway. Probably just that neurosis cropping up again.

And, wings, I *have* a sexy boy with glasses. Although he's by no means always sexy. He certainly has his moments. Hee.

I miss all the girls that I am too tired to name and link to. You know who you are. I wish Bot was coming to see me, and MG. I feel I suppose a small bit rejected, although believe me it's not fatal. Shivers, you live too damn far! If I wasn't afeared of inviting myself I would possibly ask if it would be out of bounds for me to take the train down to NC and hang with the babes.

In the meantime I am lingering on AIM and trying not to be quite so pathetic. I'm all right. I think I'm just really really lonely.


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