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CHEEEEEEESE! 02.26.02 - 5:53 am

It's true, we're all kinds of mature.

We're good, me and the Boy, even if he isn't sharing my INTENSE enthusiasm about the fact that I just...

...made CHEESE!!!!

That's right folks. I made my very own cheese. Mozzarella cheese. And it's pretty damn good. CHEESE. Cheese is good. I am happy about this.

I have decided that this is my new hobby. I am going to become a Person That Makes Cheese.

Granted, I sent away for a Beginner's Cheesemaking Kit. And my bacteria came in handy little tablets (I have no clue where peasants in the country side get theirs and I think I prefer it that way) and packages.

Still. It's even more exciting than just cooking. It's like this thing, cheese, you only ever go to the store and buy it, and you never *know* people that make their own cheese, and then I discovered this site and I am all kinds of excited about making cheese.

Anyway. I don't have much else to say. Another day in Jersey. Boy and I are okay. So okay that I really ought to hang out with him instead of writing about making cheese.


Also my hands are all burnt from kneading very hot Cheese.

Oh, shit, and MG -- I did talk to him. Did I mention that? I forget. Anyway he was fine with the whole thing and we'll now be splitting bills which I definitely think is better.

And Bot and MG and Jez and Cherrry I have decided to talk to the travel agent and locate a decent fare because I KNOW that I have flown to Greensboro for less than $200 which is the Amtrak fare and also my little sister is in town this weekend and I know it's probably awfully disappointing but really, I'm a little broke at the moment and plus all the work to do 24 hours in a train both ways plus all the expense is kinda hard.

But the fact that Bot is permanent there now is making this a little better.

So. BACK in Jersey AGAIN tomorrow. Jesus, this is getting silly. But anyway. I'm gonna go wash the curds off my hands, and I'm gonna hang with my Boy, and I'll be back around soon, and I love you all...

In a much better mood,
- onehanded

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