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no, really, I'm here 12.22.01 - 12:59 am

Oop. Sorry about the big delay.

Nothing bad, just been...taking care of a bunch of crap post-nervous-breakdown and pre-xmas.

I think the company is going to be all right. We may still have to nix one or two people, but they're costing a hell of a lot more than they're doing anyway. Not my favorite thing to do, but better than no company at all. Oddly, I don't have all that much to say.

Been trying to take care of Large Unnamed Client mostly. Catching up after hiding under my rock for many days. Dealing with the gang, trying to give them some sense of the future, which is a little rough when I don't have much idea, or didn't, until today.

Got the Boy a Tivo. It came to the office and he saw it so he got his present early. He spent all night playing with it, hence the extra-late (even for me) update.

Um, that's sort of it.

I suppose I could comment on my not being particularly in the xmas spirit. But then I never am. This year is pretty bad, though...I don't have any presents yet. Which means I'm going to have to do some sort of mad dash on sunday (hopefully not monday).

The Boy can't figure out anything to get me so probably not much on that front. I don't blame him, honestly...I'm terrifically hard to buy presents for. My friend D1 got me medical textbooks, which is fine. My parents just buy me what I tell them to, so for me it's sort of like shopping but with somebody else's money. No one can buy me clothes, it just doesn't work. I'm not the underwear type, or the jewelry type...

Ugh. I think I'm going to try to go to bed. Maybe I will have more to say tomorrow.

I guess I've just been feeling pretty drained after the past couple weeks. It's been kind of hard on the nervous system etc.

So...hi, all. I'm here. I swear I'm going to get back on a regular schedule. It's the weekend, after all...

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