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my toes, my toes, my kingdom for my toes 03.05.02 - 9:33 am

I am very tired. Long day in Jersey. No cheese was made today.

From my email to Crushing Client:
"I was writing back to you amid my tween-meetings email flurry wherein I try to answer 47 emails on 2 different accounts within 17 minutes while answering the phone, making calls, reviewing 60 pages of documentation and goddammit smoking a cigarette (IN the freezing goddamned cold with no company except the occasional Employee/Employee frat-boy combo).

Also the asshole van driver was THIRTY-FIVE minutes late AFTER I had already gotten there twenty minutes early so I was standing in the four fucking degree weather for almost an hour and he was clearly put out by the Client people's collective bitching and took it upon himself to drive like a fucking lunatic. I have to go back to the Brooklyn Academy of Music tomorrow and ask if they found any of my toes."

And it's all true. Or close to it.

All right. I might have been exaggerating about the toes.

Incidentally the Client Party which Crushing Client belongs to is the same company as above.

And I'm too goddamned tired to write anymore tonight and even if I had the energy believe me it would be dull. I have to go peruse documentation before my day-long meetings tomorrow.

motherfucker, this is the dull part of what I do.

pity me, and see you later.

- onehanded

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