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sign my guestbook, dammit:
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shortndepressing 03.08.02 - 9:17 am

I don't think you love me anymore. I disappear for a couple of days and nobody even notices. Insert sad face here.

Life is okay. Could be better, could be worse, no major difficulties.

Crushing client has moved on to mooney eyes.

In unrelated news, I bought 2 pairs of superlow jeans which I have wanted for a long time but turns out I keep being afraid my bum is hanging out but oh well as well as finally 9 pairs of socks for $10.

Boy and I had a date, and he is now 2 weeks into quitting smoking and as such is not very much fun to be with.

I have a lot of work to do that I have not even touched today which I feel quite badly about.

My head hurts.

I went to my mother's poetry reading, the first in the city, today. She didn't suck. But then I don't like poetry.

I'm plagued with self-doubt.

I probably need therapy but I don't feel like finding or getting to know or dealing with a therapist.

The baby girl tiny marsupial has been intermittently yelling at boy tiny marsupial all day. I think they are having a spat.

That's it for me. Another day of no guestbook signings and I'm quittin'.

- onehanded

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