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see? I'm here... 03.20.02 - 9:03 am

Looky me, two days in a row all proper again-like.

Of course, today I have very little to say. I am tired. Definitely tired. My poor bod is all worn out today because on the ride to FUCKING JERSEY (I think I shall refer to that state as such forever) this morning with was-crushing-client I got *rather* sick to my stomach and was semi-nauseous all day which makes me tired and also causes me to eat more than normal in an attempt to make my tummy happier which also makes me tired.

Yep. It's true. Ordinary bodily functions make me tired. Eating especially. Thankfully not going potty or I would sleep all the time given that my bladder is amazingly small. Seriously. I walked home tonight from Z's place, and I peed right before I left, and I was in a near state of emergency by the time I completed the TEN MINUTE WALK back to my house. Jesus. I mean, it's not always like that. I don't pee every ten minutes.

My theory is that I actually have 2 bladders, one big one and one small (really small) one, because what always happens is I'll drink a lot -- water, coffee, beer, whatever, and I won't have to pee for many hours, but then all at once for a while I have to pee like every 10 or 20 minutes. The two-bladder theory comes in because it seems like the big bladder takes a long long time to get full, but once it does it starts falling over into Tiny Bladder, which then gets super-full super-fast, and as soon as I empty it it gets filled up again by Big Bladder.

See, aren't you glad I updated tonight?

I was at Z's house to meet her new puppy. The puppy is quite cute, although nowhere NEAR as cute as my dog was when she was a puppy, even though I didn't say that since that wouldn't be very nice. Partly it's a taste thing -- this is a small dog, a French bulldog, with a smushed-in face, and that's just not my sort of dog. I like big dogs with proper noses. Thus, I prefer puppies that are tiny, cuter versions of big dogs with proper noses. However, I am happy about the puppy.

I have not had a puppy in my life in too long, and Z promises that Puppy and my Dog will get to spend lots of time together, which is another reason it makes me happy. My Dog LOVES puppies and other dogs and she doesn't have many to play with. She plays with Little Kitty sometimes but that's almost kind of pathetic.

Really not any other news.

Boy got over his snit, and actually *apologized* without me having to be a royal bitch about it which is a definite improvement. He got up way earlier than me 'cause I had been up really late writing stuff for Client that Client Employees ought to have written but didn't and won't, at least not properly, and when I got up he had sent me an apologetic email which was good. So we're okay. He's out to dinner with some childhood friend at the moment.

Hrm. Tivo is recording something I don't know what...OH! Shit! It's WEDnesday! South Park. Thank fuck for Tivo.

Aw, Dog is having a big cuddly moment now which is always cute. She's also sniffing like mad all over the Puppy Smell.

And, lest I forget (how could I?) thanks to all of the lovely people who offered up some guestbook loving. I will have to do another Special Linking edition soon to encompass all the deserved reciprocal love, but in the meantime let it be known that I am very appreciative and grateful and feel loved again.

Have I been enough boring now?

My dad's gonna be in a commercial. This is much funnier if you know my dad. My mom is in Arizona on some sort of self-finding-whatever vacation.

I can't come up with anything else to say.

More love,

- onehanded

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